Read-a-Thon One Last Look


Alright for you purists out there you may not want to read this post because I actually didn’t read the full 24 hours.  I became very tired and got the starts of a headache so I decided it was best, for my health, to make my way to bed.  I must say that I think it was a great decision, I really needed that rest.  But I must also say that I still feel tired as I think about it.

There is a meme on the Dewey’s Read-a-Thon site that I feel compelled to answer the questions.  

1. Which hour was most daunting for you?  
Well, I would have to say 1pm when I finally made my way to bed.  I just was too tired, if I would have gone to bed earlier the night before and didn’t have to get up early to work I probably would have made it longer.

2. Could you list a few high-interest books that you think could keep a Reader engaged for next year?
I really don’t feel comfortable answering this.  There are books that I’ve taken recommendations and wondered afterwards why anyone would recommend such a book.  So I’d just say pick something light and short, make that a lot of short books that are light.  Have a few that are different to keep your interest throughout the day.

3. Do you have any suggestions for how to improve the Read-a-thon next year?
I really don’t know, if you’re looking for a short answer. If you’re looking for a longer one I think what I’d like to do is organize a local read-a-thon and have a group of people read together at the time. I enjoy reading with others around and if we’re together we could encourage each other to get through the day. And we could pass books back and fourth that we enjoy.

4. What do you think worked really well in this year’s Read-a-thon?
I think it was great to have several books sitting in front of me. They were all very different from each other which allowed me to read what I felt like when it was time to select a different book.

5. How many books did you read?
I got two and a bit read.

6. What were the names of the books you read?
I finished two books:
The Man Who Forgot How to Read by Howard Engel
La’s Orchestra Saves the World by Alexander McCall Smith
I also got a few books started:
A Wild Sheep Chase by Haruki Murakami
Bartholomew Fair by Ben Jonson

7. Which book did you enjoy most?
I really enjoyed Bartholomew Fair and La’s Orchestra Saves the World.

8. Which did you enjoy least?
I really couldn’t stand Howard Engel’s book. I finished it right away because I thought if I put it down there would no way I’d pick it up again and finish it at another time. It was reading it for the CBC Book Club.

9. If you were a Cheerleader, do you have any advice for next year’s Cheerleaders?
I was not a Cheerleader but I think next time I would like to take the opportunity to be a Cheerleader for next year. I also want to take this time to thank all the Cheerleaders that came by to encourage me while I was reading. I truly appreciated all that you did. Three cheers for the Cheerleaders!
Hip hip Hurray!
Hip hip Hurray!
Hip hip Hurray!

10. How likely are you to participate in the Read-a-thon again? What role would you be likely to take next time?
I would be inclined to participate in the read-a-thon again. I’d be a reader and I would also take the time to be a Cheerleader for an hour or two.

This was the first time I participated in the read-a-thon and I must say I had a lot of fun. Hopefully next time I won’t have to work that day and can spend the whole time reading. And I’ll also go to bed earlier the night before and hopefully make it through the full 24 hours. Thanks for a great time everyone!

Read-a-Thon Update 5


Well I think I have to call it a night.  I’m starting to get a headache and given the rash of migraines I’ve been getting lately I should hit the sac!  I must say I’ve enjoyed my time reading all day today.  And I may say that as the day progressed the reading got better.

The last while I read the first act of Ben Jonson’s play Bartholomew Fair.  I’ve been wanting to read this for while since it’s the first time a classical theatre company is performing this play in North America.  As you know I work for the Stratford Shakespeare Festival and they’ll be doing this show this season.  It’s the show I’m most looking forward to seeing this year.  I hope you get a chance to come to Stratford and see it!

For those of you still hittin’ the books all the best.  Keep reading!